The Outcome
The carefully crafted design features of the new Bolton office in Belgium capture the essence of the Bolton Group and pay tribute to its Italian heritage. Timeless materials such as marble wallpapers provide a touch of refinement to the space. The color scheme draws inspiration from the iconic Bolton brand blues, bringing to mind a sense of serenity and coziness. These elements work in harmony to create an elegant welcoming atmosphere and reflect the Group’s values.
The brainstorming room is strategically located next to the cafeteria and features light blue paint on the walls and ceiling. Equipped with a mobile touch TV screen, standing desks, and active stools, this open space stimulates creativity and facilitates quick brainstorming and idea generation.
The spacious kitchen area has been designed to bring people together in true Italian style: for lunch, pasta dinners, and team celebrations. It also serves as a meeting point and a workstation for those who want a break from their desks.
In addition, we added a comfortable room serving multiple functions: from a private area for nursing mothers to a comfy space to relax and unwind.
After moving in, the team left some heartwarming notes on the whiteboard: ”Wonderful place for a wonderful company”, “It is an honor to be able to enjoy this beautiful space” and “Thanks a lot for the great job, the office is wonderful”. How amazing is that?